asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he will state the method to be adopted for the release of men from the Army for shipbuilding work; and to whom applications arc to be made for the release of shipyard workers?
Men are being selected by their recorded trades by an Admiralty representative of the Deputy Controller of Auxiliary Shipbuilding-Orders are at once issued for all men as soon as selected to be sent to the Northern Command Discharge Centre at Ripon for the purpose of transfer to the Reserve for shipbuilding work, provided they are willing and their recorded trade is found to be correct. Another representative of the same Department of the Admiralty is attached to the Discharge Centre at Ripon, who places the men in employment in conjunction with the representative of the Employment Department of the Ministry of Labour. Applications for the release of individual shipyard workers should be made to the Ministry of National Service, who make recommendations as regards all releases of individuals to the War Office.