asked the Chief Secretary whether he s aware that John Foley, tenant of a labourer's cottage at Coolacullig, Coachford. county Cork, applied for an additional half-acre to the Macroom Rural District". Council about nine years ago; if he can state whether this representation was included in the improvement scheme at the time, and, if so, what action was taken upon it; is he aware that Foley has a young and helpless family of five children, and that to provide for their necessities he had last year to get potato ground three miles away, although he sought to nave the additional half-acre for which he had applied let to him; whether the rural councils have not sufficient powers under recent Regulations to acquire tillage allotments for persons circumstanced as John Foley is; whether the tenant of the land in this case, Mr. John Dwyer, will be approached to see if he is willing to give this half-acre to Foley on being properly compensated; find, as the matter is one of urgency, will immediate steps be taken to provide Foley with the additional half-acre, which he is willing and able to till, and which he wants to supply his young family with food?.
The application for an additional allotment in this case was, like a number of others, disallowed at the local inquiry into the scheme in 1908. It was considered that provision for better house accommodation for the labourers in the district should take precedence of any suggested enlargement of the garden allotments attached to labourers' cottages previously provided.
The right hon. Gentleman has not answered the greater part of my question.
I cannot add anything to the answer that I have given. The matter was fully considered in 1908.
I have asked whether the tenant of this land will be approached to see if he is willing to give this half-acre to Foley? That portion of the question was not answered.
I cannot give the hon. Member any further information.
:I will put down a question.