asked what are the arrangements in force or in contemplation for the recruiting of women for the Navy, Army, and Air services; and, in particular, if he will state whether it is proposed that such recruiting as may be required for any or all of these Services, will be entrusted to one organisation in order to avoid the additional expense which will be incurred if arrangements have to be made by these Services independently for recruiting and for medical officers and hostels?
The Government having decided that the Ministry of National Service shall be responsible for controlling the recruiting of women, the Ministry of National Service is considering, in consultation with the Departments concerned, proposals which will provide for the economies referred to by the hon. Member.
Can the hon. Gentleman say whether this work has hitherto been done by the Labour Exchanges; whether this question has been referred to the Treasury for sanction, and, if so referred, whether it has been sanctioned or refused?
I think I had better have notice of that question.
Can the hon. Gentleman say when a decision is likely to be reached, as it has been a long time in hand?
As I have said, the Government have decided that the Ministry of National Service shall be responsible, and we are in consultation with the Departments concerned.
Does the hon. Gentleman know whether this question has or has not been referred to the Treasury?
I think all these sort of questions are referred to the Treasury.
If it has been referred, has it been refused or has it been sanctioned?
We are negotiating with the various Departments concerned in order to harmonise things.