asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether preserving eggs in any quantity in water-glass, or other methods, constitutes food hoarding?
If the eggs were produced by hens kept by the preserver the answer is in the negative. If the eggs were acquired, the quantity preserved must be limited to the ordinary and proper requirements of the preserver's household, having regard to all the circumstances of the case.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what steps are being taken by his Department to avert a famine in eggs, which is likely to occur if the present policy of making it impossible for poultry farmers to keep and maintain their stocks is continued?
In view of the actual and prospective cereal supplies, it is essential to reserve for human consumption all wheat and barley fitted for that purpose. It is, however, hoped to enable hen birds hatched since 1st January, 1916, to receive a ration of dry food not exceeding 1 oz. a day.
May I ask whether some Orders will be issued which will make it clear to the poultry-keepers that they are allowed to purchase quantities of damaged grain?
That, no doubt, will be covered by the announcement that I have indicated in the last part of my answer.