asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether a number of small shopkeepers have been brought to the verge of ruin by the restriction of sugar supplies to the manufacturers of sweets; and whether the Ministry will release a larger amount of sugar to such manufacturers in the interests alike of the consumer and of the small distributors?
I am aware that in this trade, as in many others, the restrictions upon the use of raw material, which have been rendered necessary by the circumstances of the time, have Seriously affected those concerned. It is not, however, possible to release more sugar than at present for the manufacture of sweets. As I stated last Monday, consideration is being given to the possibility of affording some relief to shopkeepers who are solely dependent for their living on the sale of confectionery.
Would the right hon. Gentleman say when it is expacted that relief will be given?
The matter is under consideration, and we are hopeful that an announcement can be made at an early date.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that he told me a fortnight ago that the matter was under consideration?
No, I am not aware of that. I was not here.
May I ask the hon. Gentleman whether his reply means that the Ministry contemplate and intend at an early date to limit the sale of sweets to those people to whom such sale is their whole livelihood?
What is intended is to try and arrange a distribution whereby people whose business is solely that of retailing sweets and confectionery will have some opportunity of continuing their business, and will not be completely pushed out.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that was his answer a month ago?
I will look up the date.
Will the hon. Gentleman prohibit the sale of sweets in the cinema theatres, and confine the sale to small shopkeepers?
That suggestion will be considered.