asked the Minister of National Service if lie will consider the advisability of setting up a small Committee to investigate the cases of staff of military age in Government Departments, with a view to releasing as many additional men as possible, by amalgamating branches of Departments, substituting men who have been wounded or had long service, such Committee to include a representative; appointed by the labour interest?
I must refer the hon. and gallant Member to the reply given to him yesterday by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The employment of men of military age in Government Departments is constantly under review by the War Cabinet and by the Ministry of National Service.
Can the hon. Gentleman say whether the Committee under the presidency of Sir J. Bradbury has done anything up to the present? If so, have they issued any report, and when is the Report to be presented to this House?
I think that is a matter for the Leader of the House.
Will the hon. Gentleman communicate with the Minister of National Service, under whose Department this comes, and ask if he will take steps to see whether anything can be done, and whether it can be communicated to this House?
Perhaps the hon. Member is not aware that this question is constantly being considered. We are constantly getting men out from the Government Departments who can be spared; but there is a real shortage of competent men in the Civil Service.
Is the House to understand that many of these Departments are not overstaffed, and that the subject matter of this question is incorrect?
The hon. Member is now talking about Departments being overstaffed. He was speaking of men of military age. The Civil Service is constantly supplying a quota of men, and many people think that men have been combed out to a very dangerous extent.