asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, following on the seizure and slaughter by their direction of a number of pigs awaiting shipment in Dublin to this country, the Irish Republic Food Committee have stated their intention of preventing the further shipment of oats to Great Britain; and what action the Food Controller intends to take to vindicate his position and prevent the transference of his authority to the food committee named?
I have been asked to reply to this question, and am informed that what is called by the hon. and gallant Member a "seizure and slaughter of pigs" in Dublin appears to have been a prearranged scheme for advertising the existence of the people who are referred to in the question of the hon. and gallant Member as the Irish Republic Food Committee. The Dublin Metropolitan Police are well able to prevent the interference of lawbreakers with legitimate movements of produce, and will have all necessary support in the performance of that duty.
Has the Food Controller of this country got any control at all over the export of food from Ireland or must he act through the Chief Secretary or the Irish Government?
I require notice of that question.
I am asking the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food.