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Isle Of Man

Volume 103: debated on Thursday 28 February 1918

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asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the British Government has any rights of veto over the acts of the Isle of Man Government; and, if so, why that veto was not exercised in the case of the Beer Duties, which impose a much higher duty per liquid gallon on British beer than on Manx beer?

Prior to 1915 the duty on imported beer was 5s. 6d. and on Manx beer 4s. 6d. Both were then doubled—the former being raised to 11s—by a Resolution of Tynwald Court, confirmed by the Isle of Man (Customs) Act, 1916, and the latter to 9s. by a local Act, which received the Royal Assent in due course. It was not considered necessary to overrule the wishes of the Island in the matter by raising objection to either measure.