:asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his Department is aware that quantities of food in the shape of wild birds, such as teal, plover, and wild duck, are available for shooting in and about the estuary of the River Black water, Essex; whether he is aware that the Treasury has communicated the fact that the local fishermen have received an Order from the Admiralty and the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries for night shooting which they will be unable to carry out unless permits are given them to procure the food necessary during their absence for shooting and fishing, as they are often away from home three days a week; and, seeing that food permits are granted by the Customs to the bargemen using the estuary of the Black water, whether the Food Ministry will recommend that similar permits will at once be granted by the Customs officials to the fishermen concerned?
I am aware of the arrangements made for the issue of permits to shoot wild-fowl in this district, which have been made in consultation with the food control committees concerned. I am having inquiries made into the matter, but I am not satisfied, as at present advised, that the local committees have not sufficient powers to deal with any difficulties experienced by wild-fowlers in obtaining food.
asked if it has been found that the method of rationing meat involves a heavy weekly loss on the Ministry; if application has been made to the Treasury for sanction for a heavy expenditure to cover this loss; and if the sanction of the Treasury has been obtained?
Arrangements have been made by which the expenses arising out of the grading, purchasing of cattle, and the supply and distribution of meat, will be temporarily financed by the Treasury. The amount of these expenses cannot at present be precisely determined, but it is not anticipated that any ultimate loss will fall upon the Exchequer.