asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) if the Department has for some time past been engaged in research work in connection with the disease of murrain or red-water in cattle; and if he will state the result of the efforts made by the Department in this direction and what further steps he proposes to take?
About four years ago the Department of Agriculture carried out some experiments in the prevention of red-water in cattle in County Armagh, which did not yield much information of a positive nature. The actual casual agent and the mode of transmission of the disease are, however, now definitely known, and treatment by veterinary surgeons is more successful than formerly. No funds are available for carrying out further investigations.
asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) what arrangements have been made to put into force the serum treatment in Ireland as a preventive of swine fever?
The preparation of plans for the swine fever serum laboratory is proceeding. Until the laboratory has been completed the serum treatment cannot be utilised.