asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, now that Irish railways are under State control, he will take steps to have a connection made between the Cork and Macroom Railway and the Cork, Bandon, and South Coast Railway at Cork; whether at present traffic on the Macroom Railway is cut off from access to the port and also from rail connection with the rest of Ireland, with the result that all through traffic from Macroom has to be carted or driven through the city of Cork; whether he is aware that a connection between the two lines mentioned formerly existed, that the land for the purpose is still available, and that only a few yards of rail are necessary to make the connection; whether repeated complaints have been made from Macroom that their fairs and markets are injured by the fact that that town, from the want of the connection referred to, is cut off from both direct communication with the rest of, Ireland over the Cork link railways and also from port facilities, all traffic having to be transhipped at Cork, and that many buyers for that reason refuse to attend; and whether he will state the reason why the connection is not made?
As the hon. and gallant Gentleman was informed on the 5th February, inquiries are being made in connection with this matter, and I hope that these inquiries will be completed shortly. I should, however, point out that the question involved is not one falling within the arrangements for the State control of the Irish railways.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that an announcement has been made that work has already been commenced in connection with those railways?
I am not aware of that.