asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food why Mr. Hart, a retail butcher, of Charterhouse Street, Smithfield Market, is privileged to purchase an unlimited quantity of meat whilst at the same time all other retail butchers are restricted to the purchase of 50 per cent. on their October sales; and how it is that the salesmen of Smithfield Market were allowed to supply the West End butchers, on Friday, 15th February, with a greater share of meat than was allowed to be sold to the East End butchers?
The assumption in the first part of the hon. Member's question is incorrect. The retail butcher in question is under precisely the same limitations in respect of the purchase and sale of meat as other retail butchers, and I am informed that proceedings are being taken against him for exceeding his quota. I have made inquiries as to the allegation contained in the second part of the question, and am informed that on the date mentioned the East End butchers had their usual supply of meat in accordance with the Instructions given by the Food Controller to the Smithfield salesmen to give preference to butchers in industrial districts.