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Tillage (Ireland)

Volume 103: debated on Tuesday 5 March 1918

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asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he will see that no differentiation will take place under the tillage scheme as between the average farmer and the extensive landholder and grazier; and is he aware that in East Limerick several extensive landholders either refused to comply or secured exemption last year which caused much indignation, and will every step be taken now to compel these people to grow more food, or, failing their doing so, will their lands be seized and let by conacre to the labourers and small farmers who find it an impossibility to secure any land to grow food on this year?

I am informed that there is no foundation for the insinuation that there is preferential treatment in respect of certain classes of holdings in enforcing the Compulsory Tillage Regulations. Except a few cases in which partial exemption was allowed in respect of lands used for stud farm purposes, the exemptions granted last season to occupiers in county Limerick were confined to land habitually used by dairy farmers for grazing milch cows required for the milk supply of towns and villages. In cases where occupiers fail, without reasonable cause, to comply with the Regulations, the Department of Agriculture will take action with a view to enforcing the requisite cultivation.