asked the Under-Secretary of State for War why the decision which has been arrived at with regard to the distinction or distinctions to be awarded to officers and men of the Territorial Forces who joined up previous to the outbreak of hostilities cannot be announced and such award be made now?
I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the answer which I gave him on Tuesday last, and more particularly to the answer which I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Wands worth on the 14th February. In the latter answer I mentioned that the whole question of the commemoration of War service in its various degrees had been considered and that an appropriate distinction or distinctions, would be granted. For reasons which I feel sure will be appreciated by my hon. and gallant Friend, no announcement can very well be made till the end of the War.
Is it not a fact that in the answer to which the hon. Gentleman refers he said that a decision had been arrived at; and is it not the case that when the decision was arrived at in regard to the Mons Star that decision was announced at once, and, if so, why cannot the decision now arrived at be announced also?
My hon. and gallant Friend knows that the Mons Star is not a medal. He will realise that it is very difficult indeed to announce the decision we have come to before the end of the War, so far as medals are concerned.
In view of the very strong feeling on this matter in the Territorial Force, will not my hon. Friend reconsider it?
I can assure the House that at the end of the War the decision which has just been come to will be announced. If my hon. and gallant Friend will speak to me privately I shall be quite willing to tell him why we do not announce it now.
Can we take it that the fact that officers and men have been discharged owing to wounds or sickness will not affect the grant of the long-service Territorial decoration?
I do not think that that arises, but we have come to the conclusion that war service does count double so far as efficiency is concerned.