asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the Local Government Board recently sent out a circular letter to the various boards of guardians in Ireland asking them to allocate a wing in each workhouse for the reception of venereal cases or, if that was not feasible, to build a special wing for the purpose, and that they would help to finance; and, seeing that there is indignation aroused in Ireland at the proposal to introduce cases of venereal disease into districts where it was never even heard of before, whether he will consider the adoption of some better scheme for treating this disease than that suggested by the Local Government Board?
The Local Government Board have issued no such Circular as that referred to in the question. A 75 per cent. grant is available under the administration of the Local Government Board for aiding the more important local authorities, hospitals, and laboratories n combatting the diseases referred to, and the county borough councils and several county councils are preparing schemes in consultation with their medical advisers. In special circumstances boards of guardians may participate in the grant.