asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller whether he can state in tons the quantity of steel or iron shipbuilding material which has been supplied to France and to Italy, respectively, during the past twelve months by this country?
I regret that particulars cannot be given without disclosing information which would be of value to the enemy.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller whether France has yet requisitioned the whole of her merchant tonnage for Allied purposes; and, if so, can he state the terms or rate of hire on which this tonnage has been so requisitioned for Allied purposes, comparing the same with the terms or rate of hire paid for British steamers of similar types which have been allocated to the French service?
I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member for the West Toxteth Division on the 19th February. The decree which the French Government have-sanctioned for the universal requisition of the French mercantile marine takes effect as from the 10th March, 1918, and not from the 1st March, as previously understood; this decree provides for the vessels to be taken by the French Government on the basis of a standard charter party, as to the precise terms of which I have no information.