asked the Home Secretary whether any person in the employ of the Home Office is known to have been in the pay or service of the secret police organisation of the ex-Czar Nicholas of Russia?
The answer is in the negative. The hon. Member may be referring to a Metropolitan Police officer who, after his retirement from the Force in 1912, and when he was free to take any employment he pleased, undertook certain inquiries on behalf of the Russian Government. This officer was not in the service of the Russian Secret Police, and his connection with the Russian Government ceased some time ago
When this officer undertook this work for a foreign Power, did he communicate the fact that he was doing it to the Home Office?
Has any hostility to this country ever been brought home to the ex-Emperor, and is not the question a mere cover to an ungenerous attack on him?
My hon. Friend must judge for himself. The man is perfectly free to do what he pleases.