asked the Home Secretary what action, if any, the Government propose to take against the Member of the House who is reported to have urged the workers of this country to adopt Bolshevik methods and start a revolution in this country, this statement being made at a meeting at which M. Litvinoff was present?
The Government do not propose to take action in this matter.
Will the right hon. Gentleman exercise the new powers he has by the Order in Council in the case of any alien publicly advising the people of this country to adopt Bolshevik methods?
I shall not hesitate to do so.
Will my right hon. Friend give the name of the Member who acted in the way referred to in the question?
It is hardly worth while giving the name.
Does the right hon. Gentleman adhere to the statement that a Member of this House advised the workers of this country to take Bolshevik action here, and, if so, does he still say the Member should not be prosecuted?
Having regard to the other 670 Members in this House, does not the right hon. Gentleman think, in justice to them at least, this name should be given out?
What reason is there why the name should not be given?
There is no reason except that it would not be worth while. It was the hon. Member for Burnley (Mr. Morrell) who made the statement that it was desirable that the people of this country should follow the example of Russia. I did not think it worth while to take any action.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that it is entirely untrue that the hon. Member made any such statement? I was present at the meeting and heard what was said.
Has the Home Office any proof that the hon. Member for Burnley did make the statement, and, if not, on what ground did the Home Secretary make his statement in the House?
It is entirely untrue.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the hon. Member for Burnley in this speech, which I heard, distinctly warned his audience against a physical force revolution?
We cannot discuss that question.
It is entirely untrue.