asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that among a number of Volunteers the idea is that the military authorities intend, when the officers and men have signed either one or other of the Sections A or B, to mobilise them and send them down to the coast or places away from their homes and businesses for an indefinite period simply to guard the coast and some line of communication; and if he can assure the House that the officers and men of the Volunteers will only be called away from their homes and businesses in the case of imminent invasion or some equally critical condition or situation?
I am pleased to be able to give the assurance asked for in the last part of my hon. Friend's question. The Volunteer Force will be called out for actual military service, under Section 17 of the Act of 1863, only if, and when, it becomes necessary for the purpose of repelling an enemy in the event of an invasion being imminent. This liability is shared equally by Volunteers in Sections A. B. C. or D. The fact that a Volunteer signs Army Form V. 4010 and joins Section A. B. or C. in no way varies or increases this liability, and there is no intention to employ them as indicated in the question.