asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that the second war bonus recently granted to Irish National teachers has been withheld from convent school teachers receiving an annual salary of £ 40 or £ 44 and a weekly war bonus oil 4s., also from junior assistant mistresses receiving an annual salary of £ 24 or £ 28 a year and a weekly war bonus of 4s.; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?
The recent extension of war bonus did not include the classes mentioned in the question; but they are dealt with in the arrangements for the distribution of a permanent additional grant for Irish elementary education. The Chief Secretary has no expectation of being able to provide an additional war bonus.
asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware of the number of work-mistresses in national schools who have been appointed under the Board since 1908 at very small salaries and who are not at present able to attend to their duties owing to the in creased cost of living under the present existing circumstances; and whether, having regard to the fact that they have always discharged their duties to the satisfaction of the Board and to the benefit and advancement of the people, their claims to a war bonus under the new scheme will now be considered?
I am informed that there are fifty-five work-mistresses in national schools, all of whom were appointed before 1901. They give two hours' service on days when the schools are open, and have received a war bonus of 2s. per week since July, 1916. Inquiries are being made as to their position in comparison with other part time employés.