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Housing (Scotland)

Volume 103: debated on Wednesday 6 March 1918

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asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he has received a memorial, signed by Scottish Members of Parliament representing all parties in the House, and also a resolution passed by the Town Planning Conference held recently in Edinburgh, at which over 350 delegates were present, requesting that a Reconstruction Committee should be appointed to deal with the question of housing in Scotland, with a view to arrangements being completed as soon as possible to provide additional housing accommodation immediately after the War; and whether he proposes to appoint such a Committee for Scotland?

I have received the memorial, and I am aware of the resolution referred to. If it should at any stage appear that a Committee of the nature suggested is required, I shall not hesitate to communicate with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Reconstruction in the matter. As I have already, however, stated in the House, and as I must remind my hon. and learned Friend, Scotland has had this advantage over England and Wales in the matter of housing, that a Royal Commission has recently reported, with full knowledge of the present situation, and after long and patient inquiry, on the subject of housing in Scotland. Communications have been passing between the Departments interested in this all-important question, and I trust that action may be shortly announced which will satisfy my Scottish colleagues that no delay such as further Inquiry would involve is necessary.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when he hopes to be able to announce the action that has been, or will be, taken?

My hon. Friend may be aware that a Committee is sitting at the present time. I have been in communication both with the Board and the Committee, and directly I receive a reply I will let my hon. Friend know.

Will the action to which the right hon. Gentleman refers be by means of legislation or by administrative action?