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Dublin Dock And Harbour Dues

Volume 103: debated on Wednesday 6 March 1918

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asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether his attention has been directed to the correspondence between the solicitor to the Corporation of Dublin and Mr. L. Chubb, secretary of the Dock and Harbour Dues Claims Committee, on the subject of the ancient dues received by the corporation from all ships except His Majesty's warships coming into the River Liffey, of which the committee has refused to take cognisance owing to a Treasury ruling to the effect that the con cession in respect of dock and harbour dues did not apply to such claims, and that payment should not be allowed; whether he is aware that the right of the corporation to these dues is based upon the ownership of the bed and soil of the river conferred upon the corporation by various Royal charters of King John, King Henry III., and other sovereigns, and that they are claimed only as against ships in Government hands other than warships; whether he is aware that the amount now claimed by the corporation in respect of these dues upon, vessels in the service of the Crown other than war ships is £ 180; and whether he will make representations to the Treasury with a view to having an ex gratia Grant of this sum mad to the corporation and having directions given that similar claims arising in the future shall be similarly dealt with?

I have not seen the correspondence referred to. But I under stand that no services are rendered by the corporation in respect of the dues claimed by them under the charters, and I have therefore not felt able to authorise any ex gratia payment in respect of Government ships.