asked the Prime Minister if he is aware that the profits of the firm of Messrs. Allsopps have riser from £ 68,100 in 1914 to £ 236,700 in 1917, the profits of Messrs. Ind, Coope, and Company from £ 94,100 to £ 204,700, the profits of Messrs. Watney, Coombe, Reid and Company from £ 904,200 to £ 1,112,900; and whether, having regard to the possibility of the Government acquiring the interests of the brewers in this country, he will state whether valuation will be based on their 1914 or their 1917 profits?
I think the hon. Member must have looked only at the credit and not on the debit side of the profit and loss accounts, so that his figures do not agree with those shown in the companies' certified accounts. The second part of the question is hypothetical, and I cannot, therefore, answer it.
Are we to understand that the Government consider it hypothetical as to whether they will take over the brewers at the pre-war valuation or the present valuation?
The whole question as to what course will be taken is in the meantime hypothetical. I have stated over and over again that no steps will be taken until the House has been fully consulted.