Brentford Gas Bill (by Order), Cannock Gas Bill (by Order), Hampton Court Gas Bill (by Order), Liverpool Gas Bill (by Order), Longwood and Slaithwaite Gas Bill (by Order), Yeadon and Guiseley Gas Bill (by Order), Cardiff Gas Bill (by Order), Commercial Gas Bill(by Order), Gas Light and Coke Company Bill (by Order), Hastings and St. Leonards Gas Bill (by Order), Maidenhead Gas Bill (by Order), Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gates-head Gas Bill (by Order), Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas Bill (by Order), Portsea Island Gas Light Bill (by Order), Richmond Gas Bill (by Order), South ampton Gas Bill (by Order), South Metropolitan Gas Bill (by Order), South Shields Gas Bill (by Order), South Sub urban Gas Bill (by Order), Swansea Gas Bill (by Order), York Gas Bill (by Order).
I beg to move, "That these Bills be put off till Monday next at the same time as to-day."
Will the South Suburban Gas Bill be debated according to the right hon. Gentleman's arrangement?
There will be no debate arising, because they will be moved at the same time next Monday as to-day.
Second Reading deferred till Monday next. Land Drainage (Lotting Fen) Provisional Order Bill, "To confirm a Provisional Order under the Land Drainage Act, 1914, relating to Lotting Fen, in the county of Hunting don," presented by Sir RICHARD WINFREY; read the first time; and referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, and to be printed. [Bill 4.]