asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he can now make any statement with regard to the disabilities under which the dependants of mercantile ratings serving under naval discipline suffer as compared with those of naval ratings
It has now been decided that every man is to be allowed to allot, as in the case of the Navy, from the Thursday following the date of his entry if he joins on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, and otherwise from the Thursday week. The interval between the date of the man's entry into the Service and the date upon which his dependant receives any money will thus be appreciably cur tailed, provided the man authorises an allotment as soon as he joins.
It has also been decided to grant a gratuity of three weeks' pay on discharge to all men discharged medically unfit. This will not prejudice the men's claim to further compensation if, upon investigation, they are found to be entitled, but will serve to bridge over the period of investigation. The possibility of arranging for advances to be made to the dependants of such men by local, committees, where the men's allotments are for some reason delayed or in suspense, is under consideration, and I am not at present in a position to make a definite statement upon this subject. But if my hon. and gallant Friend will put a question this day week—this is the only outstanding point—I may be able to give an answer.Will the right hon. Gentleman make it clear that the gratuity he mentioned in the second part of the answer will be paid on the discharge of the man and that he will get it before he goes home?
:That is the purpose of it, and certainly it will be distributed in that way.