asked the President of the Local Government Hoard whether it is now a practice in Kensington and else where to refuse death certificates until the sugar card of the deceased has been surrendered; whether instructions have been issued to officials to this effect; and, if so, for what reason?
No instructions have been issued to registrars of births and deaths to refuse death certificates until the sugar card of the deceased person has been surrendered. I am assured by the Registrar-General that there is no foundation for the suggestion in the hon. Member's question.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this has actually happened, and that demands have been made for the surrender of the sugar cards before the death certificate is granted?
My information was obtained from the Registrar-General; but if the hon. Member will supply me with particulars of cases I will have inquiries made, because there is no intention that that rule should be adopted.
It is being adopted. I will send particulars to the right hon. Gentleman.