asked the Chief Secretary if he is aware of the increase in the amount required for the upkeep of the Richmond District Asylum; if he is aware that the increase is caused by the war conditions over which the board have no control; if he is aware that it is forty-six years ago since this scale for the upkeep of the patients was fixed; if he will recommend to the Treasury the advisability of paying the extra amount of the increased charges; and, if not, is he aware that the members of the board will refuse to manage the institution?
This matter was fully dealt with by the Chief Secretary on the 21st January in answer to a question by the hon. and learned Member for North County Dublin. The increased cost of maintaining institutions such as the Richmond District Asylum is, no doubt, one of the hardships caused by the War. The present scheme of contribution from the taxes was settled in 1898, and the Lords of the Treasury have not seen their way to make any alteration in it. The Chief Secretary is not aware of any threat of the managers of the asylum to withdraw from their duties.