( by Private Notice)
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether about 600 acres of rich agricultural land in a district which I have named to the right hon. Gentleman privately, some of which is sown down in wheat, has been taken by the Admiralty for building sheds, while poorer land is available for this purpose; and whether he would cause an inquiry to be made, in conjunction with the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, with a view to protecting the food supply from this destruction?
Before the right hon. Gentleman answers that question, may I ask if the Board of Agriculture in Scotland was consulted with regard to this?
The answer to that question will be found in the reply to my hon. and gallant Friend (Major Chapple). The Admiralty have requisitioned some 640 acres of land in two ownerships in the district mentioned by my hon. and gallant Friend for urgent naval work, as, after exhaustive search, this was the only site found suitable for such purpose. Communication was made to the Scottish Board of Agriculture and also to the district agricultural committee on the matter, and the Admiralty have issued instructions that as much of the land as possible, consistent with the works which are being carried out, shall be left under cultivation during the coming season.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say who is to decide as to what area is required for agricultural purposes and what area is required for building these sheds?
I will answer the last question first. The Admiralty naturally avoid using agricultural land wherever it is possible to do so, but if they have no alternative, because of the necessities of the case, they must do so, taking care that land that is not being used for the moment will be used for agricultural purposes as long as possible.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is a general consensus of opinion in the district that other land is available which is not required for agricultural purposes, and that this land is sown down for wheat and is now to be broken up?
Perhaps my hon. and gallant Friend will give me evidence of that, because I can assure him the greatest care was taken not to use agricultural land except in the last resort. I shall be glad to have the evidence which my hon. and gallant Friend has.
I shall be very glad to give it.