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Mine-Sweeping Service (Provisioning)

Volume 103: debated on Thursday 7 March 1918

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asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the men engaged in the mine-sweeping service have to provide themselves with food; if so, what allowance is made to them for that purpose; and whether, in view of the present prices of food and the increasing difficulty for the men to get the necessary supplies themselves, he will consider the advisability of the provisioning of these men being taken over entirely by the Admiralty?

The crews of His Majesty's mine-sweepers, in common with those of other auxiliary patrol vessels, receive a victualling allowance of Is. 8d. a day, and draw supplies of Government provisions from their bases at Government prices. The alternative system of Navy victualling, that is to say, of a fixed ration in kind, plus a messing allowance, is not, I am afraid, adapted to the needs of these small vessels. The victualling allowance granted to them is of equivalent value. Supplies of provisions other than those supplied by the Admiralty can be obtained by them from naval canteens at their bases or on board His Majesty's ships. It is possible that my right hon. Friend may have some individual cases in view which may not be covered by the above answer; if so, and he will furnish me with particulars, I will inquire further.