asked the Secretary of State for India on what date the Peninsular and Oriental steamship "Abydos" was impressed by the Government of India for the service of the Mesopotamia Expedition; how much was expended on fitting it up; at what date did it leave India; how long did it remain in this service; and why and at what date did it cease to be so employed?
The vessel in question was requisitioned by the Government of India on 30th August, 1916, for use as a floating workshop at Basra. She left India for Basra on 22nd November, 1916, and was discharged from service on 3rd February, 1917. The Government of India have been asked to report the amount expended on fitting up the vessel and the reason for releasing her. The information is not available here.
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the Peninsular and Oriental steamship "Abydos" was under Admiralty control when chartered by the Government of India in 1916; and whether, and at what date, this vessel subsequently came under Admiralty control?
It is assumed that the steamer referred to is the steamship "Abydos," owned by the Indian and Peninsular Steam Navigation Company, Limited, and registered in Bombay. She was not under Admiralty control when she was requisitioned by the Indian Government in 1916, nor has she been under Admiralty control at any subsequent time.