asked the Minister of National Service whether he is aware that, notwithstanding Circular 1584, dated June, 1917, issued by the Board of Trade, which allows two months on shore for preparation by sea-going engineers for Board of Trade examination, recruiting officers have in some instances issued, before the expiry of the time named, calling-up notices to sea-going engineers in course of preparation for examination; and whether he will take steps to call the attention of all recruiting officers to the circular above referred to, so that seagoing engineers may have proper time to prepare for their examinations of competency?
I am not aware of any such practice on the part of recruiting officers as that referred to by the hon. Baronet. If he will supply me with the names and addresses of men to whom he alleges that calling-up notices have been sent in contravention of the Board of Trade circular referred to by him, I shall be glad to investigate them.