asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the Mr. Clark, of 43, Bute Street, Cardiff, recently appointed secretary to the South Wales and South-West of England Potato Control Committee, is the same gentleman who was prosecuted on behalf of the Ministry of Food in December last and fined £200 and 50 guineas cost?
This appointment was made by the South Wales Potato Advisory Committee on their own initiative, and the Ministry of Food were not consulted in the matter. I am advised that the offence referred to was of a somewhat technical description, and that it is inexpedient in this instance to interfere with the discretion of the Advisory Committee.
May I ask my hon. Friend if that offence was not considered by the Food Controller to be so serious that he had to send a solicitor down from London to prosecute, and if he did not obtain a verdict, and that then the law-breaker is given an appointment?
I am not aware of that, but I will represent the information in the supplementary question to the Food Controller.