asked the Undersecretary of State for War whether he has received a resolution passed by the Malmesbury rural and urban local tribunals on the 4th March protesting against the Government or Government contractors taking men off the land for the erection of aerodromes and other Government works, such action being detrimental to agriculture and the production of food, and also rendering the work of the tribunals and recruiting authorities most difficult; and, if so, what action he proposes to take in regard to the matter?
I am informed that the resolution referred to by my hon. Friend has not been received at the War Office or the Air Ministry, but the difficulties referred to in the question have been receiving special consideration by the Departments concerned, and instructions have been issued that all contractors shall engage labour only through Employment Exchanges, and that these shall not send forward for work on aerodrome construction any applicant whose last employer was a farmer, or who is known to be an agricultural labourer.