asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware of the discouragement to recruiting that continues to exist in the larger towns of Ireland owing to the presence of numbers of non-Irish, both Britishers and aliens, of military age who are evading military service by taking refuge in Ireland; is he aware that, without the active co-operation of the Irish Government, it is impossible for the military authorities to deal with this scandal; and what measures does he propose to take?
A considerable number of men of military age have undoubtedly crossed from Great Britain to Ireland for the purpose of avoiding military service. The police in Ireland have instructions with regard to the matter, and, by report to recruiting officers and the arrest and removal of men who are absentees, they are dealing with all the cases of which they have knowledge.
Is it possible for the police to take really effective action unless the National Registration Act is extended to Ireland?
I have no doubt the police are taking effective action.
Can the hon. Gentleman say what action he is taking, if any, to prevent refugees from Scotland coming over for from three to six weeks and conducting their business in Scotland?
If the hon. Member or anybody else has knowledge of such persons or can put me in possession of the information on the subject, I will take care to see that the steps which I believe at present are being taken shall be made effective in those particular cases.