asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his Department has consulted the Board of Agriculture as to the advisability and practicability of making it compulsory for farmers to sell cattle by dead-weight?
Lord Rhondda does not propose to make it compulsory for farmers to sell cattle by dead weight, but he is in consultation with a Committee appointed by the National Farmers' Union, the Central Chamber of Agriculture, and the Royal Agricultural Society as to the purchasing of cattle by dead-weight in districts where this can be satisfactorily arranged. The Board of Agriculture have been and are being consulted on this as on all other matters concerning agricultural produce, but the Food Controller is alone responsible for the decision that may be taken.
Inasmuch as this is essentially a question for farmers and the Board of Agriculture, can the hon. Gentleman assure the House that those views will be duly weighed and advantage taken of them before any final decision is arrived at?
Yes; I will readily give that assurance.
Will the hon. Gentleman ask the Minister of Food to make it a penal offence for any farmer to sell a cow for slaughter which is in calf?