asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has now had time to complete his inquiry into the circumstances in which a private individual caused to be printed and circulated a leaflet among the agricultural labourers of the Frodsham district of Cheshire warning them that, if they even threatened to resist any action on the part of the farmers, they would render themselves liable, if of military age, to be called up immediately for military service; whether he will give the name of the private individual responsible for the publication of this leaflet; and, in view of the fact that this leaflet has caused disaffection amongst certain of His Majesty's subjects, whether it is proposed to take action against this private individual under the Defence of the Realm Acts?
I have now seen a copy of this leaflet, the effect of which is not accurately given in the question. The statement contained in the leaflet referred to men who by strikes or threats hinder the work of agriculture. I find that sixty copies of the leaflet were printed, of which nineteen only were distributed and the rest destroyed. I have no reason to think that it produced any disaffection or had any effect whatever in Cheshire or elsewhere, and I am advised that it is doubtful whether a prosecution would succeed. In view of all the circumstances, I do not propose to take any action.
:Do I understand that the right hon. Gentleman approves of private individuals using the Military Service Acts, and threats under the Military Service Acts, for their own purposes?
I entirely disapprove of it.