asked the Undersecretary of State to the Air Ministry whether he is aware that Messrs. Salter and Stokes, general merchants, of Chard Junction, Somerset, and Smithfield Market, London, are sub-contractors to Messrs. Leylands and Company, Leyland, Lancashire; if the Government consented to sub-contracting; if he is aware that Messrs. Salter and Stokes are not paying by many shillings per week the recognised trade union rate of pay; and if he will take action in the matter?[
The hon. Member had given notice of a similar Question to the Under-Secretary of State for War]
I have been asked to answer, at the same time, the question addressed to the Under-Secretary of State for War. I am informed that Messrs. Leylands hold no contracts for the War Office or for the Air Ministry, or for the production of aircraft under the Ministry of Munitions. The remaining parts of the hon. Member's question, therefore, do not arise.