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Summer Time

Volume 104: debated on Thursday 14 March 1918

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asked the Home Secretary if he has received resolutions from the textile and engineering trades protesting against the date the Summer Time Act comes into operation; and, if so, whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?

I have received no protests from these trades, except one resolution from the Bury District Committee of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers suggesting that the postponement of Summer Time to the third Sunday in April would be more acceptable. As I said in the answer which I gave on the 4th March to the hon. Member for the Bury Division, I recognise that the fixing of an earlier date this year will cause some inconvenience, but I am sure that this will be cheerfully borne in view of the great general advantage of the change. I may add that the British Forces in France have adopted French Summer Time, which began on the 9th instant, and that it is desirable that the interval between the dates fixed for Summer Time in this country and in France shall be as short as possible.