asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what increase, if any, has taken place in the daily consumption of bread in the month of February, 1918, as compared with the month of September, 1917; whether the stocks of wheat in this country and anticipated arrivals of wheat are likely to be sufficient to meet this rate of consumption until the new cereal year; if not, whether it is proposed to ration the consumption of breadstuffs; and, if so, at what date?
The returns from bakers and retailers show that the consumption of bread and flour, comparing the four weeks. ending 13th October and the four weeks ending 2nd March, has risen in the ratio of 96 to 100¼ Last year it rose in the ratio of 95½ to 102½. It should be added that the consumption during the most recent period, that is, the period ending 2nd March, is slightly lower than that in the period ending 2nd February. This is substantiated by the figures showing the deliveries of flour from the mills. The stocks, despite the low imports of recent months, compare favourably with those held at this time last year, and, as I said last Tuesday, it is hoped that if great care is exercised and all waste avoided the rationing of bread and flour may be indefinitely postponed.
Arising out of that, can the hon. Gentleman say whether it is proposed to proceed any further with the dilution of the loaf?
Not further than the point which we have reached at present.