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Government Departments (Staff)

Volume 104: debated on Thursday 14 March 1918

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asked the Secretary to the Treasury if he will state approximately what were the numbers, at any recent date, of the administrative and clerical staff of each of the following Departments, including their sub-Departments, and the total: War Office, including Army Pay Department, Admiralty, Ministry of Munitions, Board of Trade, Ministry of Food, Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Pensions, Ministry of National Service, Air Council, and War Trade Department?

Details of administrative staff will so far as possible be given in the White Paper to be published in con- nection with the Vote of Credit. The only complete figures at the moment available were compiled in May last and bear little relation to the present position. The Committee on Clerical Staffs, however, has recently called for detailed returns of all staffs in these and other Departments which have expanded during the War, and if the right hon. Member will repeat the question at a later date I will obtain the information from the Committee.