asked if the Ministry of Information is intended to serve as a central bureau for the purpose of answering inquiries by tile general public on all matters concerning the administration of the country, as far as it is in the public interest to do so, without referring the inquirer to the Department involved in the inquiry; and, if so, how it is proposed to link up the other Departments with the Ministry of Information?
The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative; the second part, therefore, does not arise.
asked the Prime Minister if he will state the name and Civil Service rank of the Foreign Office clerk to whose duties Lord Northcliff e succeeded; and whether the clerk alluded to is still employed?
I think it would be a very undesirable precedent to refer to any Civil servant by name as suggested in the question.
Will the right hon. Gentleman state the salary that this clerk is receiving?
No, Sir; I do not intend to do so.