asked whether employers of labour who give work during the War to discharged soldiers who are physically deficient have any concessions made to them in regard to their liabilities under the Workmen's Compensation Act?
:As indicated in my reply to a question of the hon. Member for the Tottenham Division on the 28th February, I have appointed a Committee to consider this matter. The Committee is now proceeding with its inquiry.
Will the right hon. Gentleman include in the consideration of that Committee the question of workmen's insurance—as to how it would be affected by the re-employment of disabled soldiers?
I am sure the Committee of Inquiry must needs have regard to that subject.
Will the right hon. Gentleman make a statement that employers may without any risk employ discharged soldiers in the meantime? There are many discharged soldiers seeking work who are unable to obtain it on this account.
There are many employers who know that is our view, and it is with a view to removing any doubt that we have appointed this Committee.