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asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the Central Billeting Board has presented a Report on the housing conditions in Clydebank; and, if so, what action he proposes to take to carry their proposals into effect?
(Dr. Macnamara)
Yes, Sir; the Central Billeting Board has presented a Report on the housing accommodation, not only in Clydebank, but on the Clyde in general. So far as Clydebank itself is concerned, I am advised that no immediate action is necessary for the provision of further housing accommodation in that district so far as shipyard labourers are concerned.
We have acquired, up to date, twelve hostels in Glasgow, estimated to accommodate 1,200 men. The weekly charge per man is about 23s., which includes breakfast, mid-day and evening meals, the terms being inclusive of everything except personal laundry charges, and luxuries, such as drinks and smokes, etc. Labourers who cannot find accommodation in Clydebank itself can more conveniently be accommodated in these hostels. I should add that a considerable number of men have also been accommodated in private lodgings. I have confined by remarks to shipyard labour, and should my hon. Friend desire information regarding munition workers, perhaps he will address a question to the Ministry of Munitions on the subject.