asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Great Britain has now recognised the Republic of Finland; and, if so, whether diplomatic relations have been or will be opened with Finland as a neutral State?
The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative.
Is there greater hesitancy on the part of the Government to recognise a republic than to recognise a monarchy?
Why should there be?
In view of the closer relationship now being entered into by Germany and Finland, is this matter receiving consideration—whether we should recognise the Finnish Republic?
I do not know whether the hon. Gentleman thinks that closer relationship between Finland and Germany is an additional reason for recognising or for not recognising. I am not quite sure what he does mean.
Does the right hon. Gentleman not realise that when a neutral State has close relationship with the enemy, it is also our best part to encourage close relationship, so that they shall not be permeated by enemy influence?