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Fish Prices (Scotland)

Volume 104: debated on Monday 18 March 1918

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asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether representations have been made to his Department by the retail fish trade of Scotland asking that they should be consulted before the new schedule of controlled prices for fish is issued; if so, is it the intention of the Food Controller so to consult them; in any ease, is the present maximum price for fish sold in wholesale quantity to be retained; and will a difference of 30 per cent. be fixed between wholesale and retail, so as to allow a fair "working margin?

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and I regret that these representations were not received in time to allow of the consultation taking place before the completion of the new Order. The prices scheduled in the original Order have, subject to a few alterations, been adopted as to the retail prices in the new Order. The difference allowed between wholesale and retail prices is not less than 20 per cent. on the average, and the Order is believed, under present conditions, to leave a fair working margin for retail traders.

May we take it it is too late now for the trade to make representations as to the prices fixed?