asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the difficulty experienced in rural districts in making use of soldier labour by farmers who are unable to obtain food for them; whether the Army Council could devise some system by which rations could be provided for the soldiers who are engaged in agricultural work; and whether in Shropshire some soldiers have had to be sent back to barracks on account of this difficulty at a time when it is most important to get corn sown for this year's harvest?
:The Department are aware that difficulties are experienced in rural districts in obtaining food for soldiers engaged on farm work. Arrangements have been made with the military authorities by which supplies of tinned beef and biscuits can be drawn for soldiers who are migratory—that is, engaged with the Department's tractors or horse gang teams. It would, however, be impracticable to supply individual soldiers engaged on farms scattered all over the country with Army rations. In rationed areas the men should apply to local food control committees for the civilan ration card. In areas not at present rationed the local food control committees should be consulted.