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Shells (Aberdeen Firm)

Volume 104: debated on Tuesday 19 March 1918

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asked the Minister of Munitions whether charges have been brought to his attention that an engineering firm in Aberdeen engaged in the manufacture of munitions were faking 6-inch shells, and were in the possession of special marking tools for this purpose, a consignment of shells coating £4,000 being involved; whether Colonel Stansfield, of Woolwich Arsenal, was sent to Aberdeen by the Ministry; whether it was discovered that discarded shells were being marked as if they had been passed and approved; whether these engineering works have since been taken over by the Government, after a military investigation had taken place; whether he is aware of the name of the electrical engineers in Aberdeen who produced a tool for markings similar to the inspector's mark; and will he say whether there has been or will be prosecution of any or all concerned?

The inquiries which I set on foot as a result of my hon. Friend's question are not yet completed. I shall be glad if my hon. Friend will again be so good as to repeat his question on Monday next.