asked the under-Secretary of State for War whether he has any record of the number of British prisoners of war in Germany who are undergoing special imprisonment or punishment for alleged offences; and, if so, what steps he proposes to take?
No, Sir; there is no such record available. The number constantly varies. In cases which come to our notice and which appear to call for explanation inquiry is made of the Netherlands Ministry at Berlin. An agreement has recently been concluded whereby notification of an impending trial is given by the German authorities to the Netherlands Minister, who is empowered to delegate a representative to attend the trial and to appoint counsel for the defence, if he considers it advisable.
Has my hon. Friend any information as to how our prisoners of war are being treated in Germany?
I have answered several questions on that point, but I am quite willing to give any more recent information on the point if my hon. and gallant. Friend will put down a question.