asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if he is aware that, in many parts of Ireland, wholesale merchants are refusing to-supply their 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917 customers with goods owing to higher prices being offered to them from other quarters thus giving additional supplies to districts which pay the best prices; if he will take steps to obtain powers, by Act of Parliament or otherwise, to prevent wholesalers depriving their pre-war customers of supplies; and if his attention has been drawn to this form of profiteering in one district in the North of Ireland?
The answer to the first and third parts of the question is in the negative. If the hon. Member will give me particulars of any specific instances in which wholesale merchants have refused to supply their pre-war customers, I will consider what steps are proper to be taken.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that particulars of the cases I have referred to have been in his Department for the last six weeks?
No, Sir. I asked only this morning whether the information had been received, and the answer was No.
Does not the hon. Gentleman recollect that I brought a case before the House in connection with whisky supplies, in which distillers in Newry were soiling supplies to the highest bidders in this country, and depriving their local customers of their legitimate supplies?
I am afraid that the vast variety of these topics play havoc with my memory. I cannot recall the particular instance, but if the hon. Gentleman will place in my hands the particulars asked for in this reply, I shall be glad to deal with them.