asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that a deputation recently waited on the management of Bradford Colliery, Manchester, complaining of the employment of Russians of military age in the pit, and complaining also that these persons adopted an offensive attitude towards patriotic colliers while at work; whether he can state what evidence was given in support of these complaints; what is the number of Russian subjects so employed; and whether any action is proposed to be taken in the matter?
I was not aware of the incident referred to in the question, but inquiries have been made, and I understand that only eight Russians are employed at the Bradford Colliery, one of whom was employed there before the War. Some protests have been made by the other men at the pit against the employment of Russians, but I have not heard of any particular reason such as the hon. Member suggests for those protests. I understand that the matter is now settled, and my right hon. Friend sees no reason for intervention.